Camp on the Great Wall Like an Imperial Soldier
Walking on the Great Wall and camping in a watchtower, just like a soldier guarding the border in medieval times, would be a great experience, allowing you to get a sense of the Wall's history. Enjoy lake views at the beginning and end of the hike.
This 2-day Great Wall hiking and camping tour offers a variety of scenery along the Great Wall and a unique experience that will leave a lasting impression.
Tour 'Wow' Points
Walk on the Incredible 'Waterside Great Wall'
The Huanghuacheng section of the Great Wall has exceptional views of surrounding valleys and a unique water feature that makes it stand apart from other sections.
This section is not only by a lake/reservoir, but also some parts of the wall are even immersed in the water.

Sleepover in an Ancient Military Watchtower on the Great Wall
When night falls, camp in an original watchtower where soldiers were once garrisoned. See the incredibly starry sky, feel the tranquility of the mountains, and travel back in time to medieval China.

Enjoy an amazing sunrise on the Great Wall
Appreciating the stunning views including a sunrise over the Great Wall would give you an unforgettable experience.

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Itinerary Quick Look
Here is a suggested itinerary. We are happy to customize a tour according to your interests.
Your professional hiking guide will meet you at your hotel in Beijing at 2pm. Journey to the Huanghuacheng section of the Great Wall with a 2-hour drive.
Start hiking at about 4pm. It will take about 1½ hours to finish the round-trip hike, including four watchtowers. The wall continues eastward but you will not go any further as it's very steep and the wall is crumbling.
Enjoy a homemade dinner in a farmer's guesthouse and take a shower in the guesthouse before going back to the watchtower.
Your camping gear will be carried up to a watchtower on the Wall after dinner for your overnight stay on the Great Wall.
Wake up to a beautiful sunrise when you open your tent (Great Wall weather is often dry and clear, especially from October to May).
Go down to the village and have a simple local breakfast there before walking back up to the wall.
You will be impressed by panoramic views of the lakeside when you get to the first watchtower of Huanghuacheng. Continue hiking up and down on the Wall, meandering through bushes and forested areas, until you end your hike at Xishuiyu.
Enjoy a special hot pot lunch on the way back to Beijing. You should get back to your hotel in Beijing at 2pm.
Hotel Selection
— camp in an original watchtower on the Great Wall
The camping gear includes two-person tent with two sleeping bags and roll mats, depending on group size.

Price includes: